
Here are some great mental health resources that I've found. I'm listing them here by category. If you have any updates or additions, email me at

Addiction/Substance Abuse:
American Society of Addiction Medicine - In depth definitions of substance use/addiction and lots of empirical data available.
NIH's National Institute on Drug Abuse -  Resource to help you find more resources! Also, learn about clinical trials in your area (research is important!).
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) - SAMHSA is a fantastic reference for anything mental health related, but especially substance use. Their site will provide a wide range of information from stats to care.
SMART Recovery * - This is a great alternative for those not interested in joining AA/NA groups. SMART is both secular and focuses on harm reduction, rather than abstinence.

American Psychological Association - I love APA's resources. Find research, get additional resources, and read news stories about anxiety disorders.
Anxiety & Depression Association of America -  Learn more about what anxiety is and what it isn't. You can also learn the differences between everyday anxiety (which every single person has!) and an anxiety disorder.
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) - Not only does NAMI provide information, but also resources for local support groups across the US.
National Institute of Health (NIH) - Scientifically-heavy resource to learn about the wide variety of anxiety disorders, their symptoms and available treatments.

Anxiety & Depression Association of America - Provides information about types of depression (there are different kinds!) and sheds light on the differences between depression and anxiety.
Mayo Clinic - In-depth resource for everything you'd like to know about depression symptoms and treatment.
Mental Health America - This site has a depression screening, to provide you with additional self-awareness regarding your own depression.
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) - Information and support on a variety of information regarding depression, including high-risk groups.

Domestic Violence**:
The Hotline - Home of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (which you can reach at 800.799.7233). Get information on what DV is, and how to get help.
loveisrespect - Important website to shed light on youth and young adults dealing with dating violence. They have a crisis phone line, chat line, and texting service. This website does not have a quick escape button.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) - NCADV is a great website in general, but their "What is Domestic Violence?" page is in-depth and very helpful.
National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) - Great website to learn more about public policy and how DV affects our society on a macro scale. - The org behind a ton of DV campaigns (including the ones during the Super Bowl). Check them out and share.

Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) - I'm surprised that the CDC has a page for "LGBT mental health," but it is actually pretty good, sharing empirical data and available health services.
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) - Information on why the LGBTQ community is more likely to experience mental illness, suicidal ideation, and other mental health issues.
Pride Institute - A recovery program for LGBTQ folks using empirically-based practices.
The Trevor Project - The org behind the It Gets Better video campaigns. Their website gives information for LGBTQ youth facing crises, and has a 24-hour suicide hotline at 866.488.7386 (Cross-posted to "Suicide")

Mental Health (general):
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) - Information on general mental health conditions, support, and statistics.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Get any and all information on mental health here.

Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World - Website for my favorite mindfulness book. Site includes information about mindfulness as well as free guided meditations.
Psych Alive - Mindfulness news, webinars, and practice.
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center - Free guided meditations to either play instantly or via iTunes.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - This is a great website because it has a library of resources for mental health professionals. Tons of empirical data!
American Counseling Association - ACA provides CEUs (including one free CEU per month!), podcasts, professional journals, and a plethora of information.
GoodTherapy - This site has aggregated more resources for professionals, including ethics resources, magazines, and more.
PsychAlive - Tons of webinars offering CEs from addiction to parenting to suicide prevention/intervention.

Serious Mental Illness***:
American Psychological Association (APA) - Information on how to support a family member with SMI.
National Institutes of Health - Empirical data regarding SMI.
National Institutes of Health (article) - This article discusses the use of SMI, data, and how SMI fits into mental health.

Sexual Assault:
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) - RAINN is the leading org for sexual assault in the nation. Website is extensive regarding SA 101, getting help, and providing support to others who have been affected. Their hotline is at 800.656.4673.
US Dept of Veterans Affairs/MST - Information on military sexual trauma (cross-posted to "Veterans") - Great FAQ on sexual assault, although it focuses mostly on women as the survivors, while in reality, anyone can be assaulted.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) - Amazing org for suicide prevention, as well as for support for survivors of suicide. I've taken a workshop on facilitating a bereavement group through AFSP & will forever support their work.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Most commonly used suicide hotline, this website has information on how to get help. Hotline number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (veterans, press 1).
The Trevor Project - The org behind the It Gets Better video campaigns. Their website gives information for LGBTQ youth facing crises, and has a 24-hour suicide hotline at 866.488.7386 (Cross-posted to "LGBTQ")

Psych Alive (journal) -  PsychAlive is very clear that their journal/blog is not meant to replace therapy or become therapy in any way, but it is a great supplement to therapy. Journal your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with or without the provided prompts.
Psych Central (Ask the Therapist) - Advice-style column about mental health, answered by licensed therapists
Psychology Today**** (Find a Therapist) - My go-to for finding a therapist anywhere in the US. You can filter by a ton of characteristics, including your presenting issue, language, your insurance, and location.

American Psychological Association (APA) - APA's trauma site is extensive, and discusses trauma through different precipitating events, including natural disasters, sexual assault, school shootings, etc.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) - Resource specifically for trauma in children.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Definition, symptoms, and suggested treatment for PTSD.
US Dept of Veterans Affairs/PTSD - In-depth resource on PTSD. Information for the public, mental health professionals, and veterans. (Cross-posted to "Veterans")

Real Warriors - Website to help veterans learn about their "invisible wounds" (psychological wounds) caused by serving in the military. Website has a live chat feature.
US Dept of Veterans Affairs/MST - Information on military sexual trauma (cross-posted to "Sexual Assault") 
US Dept of Veterans Affairs/PTSD - In-depth resource on PTSD. Information for the public, mental health professionals, and veterans. (Cross-posted to "Trauma")
*You may notice I don't provide the information for AA/NA. It is not that I do not condone these groups or that they don't work for people (they do!), but I am much more interested in harm reduction than I am abstinence when it comes to substance use/abuse.
**Many domestic violence websites have "quick escape" buttons for those in dangerous situations who can't safely peruse the site. For my DV resources, I will specify if I list a website without one.
***Serious Mental Illness is a distinction for certain diagnoses, including Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Psychosis, Bipolar Disorder, and sometimes PTSD. Before I learned it was a specific category of diagnoses, I was totally offended by the term. Even now, I think it may not be the best term to use, but please know that I am using it in a clinical way, not it any derogatory ways.
***Psychology Today is what many - including myself - would call a "pop psychology" website. It seems that they focus more on sensational stories, rather than empirically-based psychology articles. I do not necessarily endorse their website, other than the Find the Therapist database, which I think is fantastic.

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